Saturday, June 16, 2007

Week 1, Thing 2: 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

Easiest Habit:
Habit 7: Teach and mentor others.
I get real satisfaction from sharing what I know with others. I seem to have a knack for explaining things in ways that others can easily understand. I can easily put myself in a new-comers place and remember what it was like before I knew how to do something. I am very open to questions and tend to be patient when people don't understand things right away. In fact, I am much more forgiving of others than I am of myself! And it really is true that you come away from a teaching experience much more knowledgable yourself!

Hardest Habit:
Habit 7 1/2: PLAY!
I know that seems strange, but it is really difficult for me to let you and just enjoy something new. I am very hard on myself and if I don't do something perfectly the first time, I get tense and no longer want to continue. I have trouble enjoying games because of this. It takes a very conscious effort to actually sit back, relax, and play around with something until it comes out right. But I have found that the more playfulness I can bring to my daily activities, especially if it is something new I'm learning, the more enjoyable it is and the more I'm likely to stick with it!

1 comment:

BrambleRose said...

That's not so strange; I can definitely see this in you. Ironically enough, sometimes it does take practise to be able to play with proficency. (sp?)
