Saturday, July 14, 2007


In the past 45 minutes I've metamorphasized from a normal human being into a GREAT BIG GEEK!!! I really love Bloglines. In fact, I think I may marry it. (Geeks are allowed to make geek-y jokes, right??)
As you could probably tell, I tend to be a Google snob and think everything Google creates is better than anything their rivals create. But I've changed my mind. I looked at Google Reader, and John had even set me up a Google Reader account as part of my iGoogle home page, but I have to say I prefer Bloglines. It is more user friendly and fun.
I've been meaning to set up an RSS feed (is this the correct term?) for a long time. Like they said in that little video, I was wasting lots of time clicking on different blogs and websites to see what was new. What's more, I had trouble keeping track of which sites I wanted to keep up with, so I just had a huge, amorphous list of Bookmarks. I was reading SLJ today and feeling overwhelmed because there were all these great Blogs referred to, but I knew I could never remember to check all of them. No longer!!!
So I've been subscribing away over at Bloglines. I'm adding all of the 23 Things Participants from Caroline County so I can keep up with what everyone's doing, I've got a Libraryland folder, and even a FUN folder (remember Habit 7.5?). It's kind of time-consuming to set it all up at first, but just think of how wonderful it will be when I can go to ONE PLACE to keep up-to-date with everything. And the next time I spot a cool blog, I know what to do with it!


Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll ever be a geek- I've been doing the assignments-it seems to take me a long time and even so, I haven't done as much as some other people. I placed some RSS feeds into my yahoo page- I confess I didn't make a blogline account. Now that I have it set up, I mostly just glance at it.

For news- I like my old-fashioned newspaper with breakfast and coffee.

After staring at a computer at work, I try to avoid it at home!!
Give me a book!

Actually, I don't mind getting exposed to all these technologies, but I hope we don't have to use all of them afterwards. Maybe we can make a "go-to" list of folks who have become expert on the different tools later. Put me down as the person for Library Thing!

Julie said...

I love Bloglines too! I wonder if we read the same SLJ issue... Liz B. from A Chair, A Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy Blog wrote a great article that month about children's lit blogs. That's when Bloglines really took off for me.

Jen said...

I think I'm going to marry Delicious. I like being able to bookmark the sites I like and be able to go to them when I like. I also like that they travel with you and you can get to them anywhere you have internet.