Saturday, July 14, 2007

Leland's Trading Card

Leland's Trading Card
Originally uploaded by amanda.courie
I decided to play around with the trading card creator, and this is what I came up with. I was intimidated at first about how to get it on my blog, but then I just kind of kept clicking, from the card creator site, to Flickr, to Google (to grant permissin for Flickr to access my blog) then back to Flickr, and here we are...I'm actually really impressed with how simple everything was. They just kind of walk you through it. A good example for me of what happens if I just relax and keep trying things till they work.
Also, I will apologize for the sappiness of this card. But she IS one cute kid!!
Also, I'm not sure why the picture ended up so "grainy" or pixelated...


Jessica said...

That picture ALLLLMMOOSSTTT makes me want to come over to babysit so I can play with your little one. She is so cute and fun.

Amanda C. said...

You can come over and play any time you want!